Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Look Mom It's a Cow!

Or maybe just a half a cow...

I haven't written lately because we're still recovering from the great Meat Delivery of 2012! It was a weekend excursion to pick up a whole cows worth of meat from a meat locker in Northern Iowa. D's best friend has been our source of beef for the past 4 years now. He and his family raise a few cattle on their hobby farm and every fall we get a call telling us our cow has gone to the locker and will be ready on X date. This past weekend just happened to be X date.

What makes the great Meat Delivery of 2012 so interesting is it came about 3 months later than normal. Now that would not normally be a problem but this year...my parents pitched in on 1/2 the meat. Again not generally an issue but THIS YEAR because we are about 3 months later in receiving the meat they are in Florida for their winter sabbatical. And so....

The great Meat Delivery begins...in Northern Iowa on Friday night (visiting D's family) - swimming and general play insue on Friday night...with a few silly's in our room from the smallest members.

Saturday morning found us off to Congers Meat Market where we proceeded to load a whole 500+ cow into the truck and back seat of our car.
The boxes just kept coming....

Eventually we both squeezed into the car with the cow and away we went...home to drop off our half and then on to the UP of Michigan! Yup, we drove half that cow all the way to Ironwood to my parents freezer! It was a beautiful day for a drive...sunny and warm... and we made good time thanks to D's driving skills.

The meat delivered, we turned back around and headed south toward home. We would just like to say thank you to that Sawyer County policeman for making our trip just a little bit longer and more interesting...

Lucky for us, he was feeling generous that Saturday evening and let us go with a warning. Whew!***
I have just a little bit of faith that when we grill those steaks this summer they are going to taste amazing! Those up in Ironwood might be a bit more tough...they have more miles on them :)


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