Kitties have it right, there is nothing like a nap - to curl up on the couch or in bed with the warm sun on your face and take a good power nap. Many other countries do this and I never understood why American culture doesn't embrace "The Nap". Just think of the benefits! Among the many documented according to the Ririan project, "Rest and relaxation isn’t only vital to your health — it might also make
you a more creative person. People tend to be more imaginative after a
good night’s sleep. Other experts agree that taking a nap or stepping
away from a problem or project refreshes the mind and could lead to
better ideas later. Power napping allows your brain to create the loose
associations necessary for creative insight and opens the way for a
fresh burst of new ideas. So if you feel stuck, then you might want to
take a nap. Return to the problem after diverting your attention for a
while. The best part is that there’s no need to feel guilty, because
taking some “me time,” in this case, could help your business in the
long run."
I've singularly decided to start "The Nap" revolution today! So, after my power nap I expect that I'll come up with some creative ideas on how to further my cause. Until then, I have faith that I will at least wake up more refreshed.
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