Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Be still and know…

I love the fast pace of life, keeping my mind active with new and interesting challenges.  I love being downtown Minneapolis and being caught up in the activity and movement that only happens in a metropolitan area. “People watching” is so very interesting during lunch in the skyways!  There is a certain kind of energy that is hard to find anywhere else.  I love entertaining and spending time with family and friends.  I take great joy in the ability to move around – not staying in one place too long – traveling is a passion!
Although I love keeping busy, there is a time – a season- where by every one of us needs to slow down and listen.  Really stop and look at the beauty around us, listen to birds and music and just enjoy what God has created. To take a deep breath and renew mind and spirit – to be still and know …  Psalm 46:10 I recently had the opportunity to do this with a beautiful sun rise it’s amazing what beauty I missed when I was young by sleeping in -  today I have faith that you will take a few minutes  from your day  - to be still and know…

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Sweet Things In Life

I don’t often have sweets – you know the sugary delights like brownies, cookies and cakes?  Today being Valentine’s Day, I decided to “treat” myself to a delectable brownie.  Brownies to me are the most sinful of the sweet treat category all gooey and chocolaty the best part is biting into the hard crusty outside into the soft gooey inside and letting it melt in your mouth – can’t you just savor the flavors? Add a tall glass of milk or a hot cup of coffee and it’s double the pleasure Ahhhhh.
Isn’t it just amazing that we get to live in a place where every once in awhile we get to indulge in the sweet things in life? I often wonder about the many simple blessings we have that go unnoticed each day, I also have faith that even if I don’t get to enjoy another brownie – ever-  I will have spent the last 15 min. just enjoying life and the blessings that were given today.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Roadkill on the Sidewalk of Life

I was walking through the skyway yesterday and came upon the visual representation of how I've been feeling lately. There, on the window in the dust was the perfect outline of a bird - feathers and all. Visions of his little beak bent in the shape of an "L" ran through my head.

Poor thing thought he could fly right thru that window and is now road kill lying on the sidewalk.

Have you ever felt like roadkill on the sidewalk of life? I have, in fact I currently feel as if my beak is in the upright "L" position and like Daffy Duck in the many cartoons we used to watch on Saturday mornings. I'm currently working to straighten it out and peel myself up off the sidewalk, and I do have faith that tomorrow is another day....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do NOT lose heart...

". . . for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart " (Galatians 6:9). So how do we lock the doors and keep the robber of discouragement from stealing God's promise?

Have you ever experienced being anxious about something, so much so that it's all you can think about during the day? You may be hoping for something good to come to pass or you may be dreading an activity or experience that you are about to go through. I've been in the thick of both those scenarios in the last few weeks and let me tell you it can be a roller coaster!

I have been reading a book lately - here is a quote from it that I've been hanging onto with both hands: “Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time; better yet, make the most of this moment. It’s good to have a big – picture outlook, to set goals, to establish budgets and make plans, but if you’re always living in the future, you’re never really enjoying the present in the way God wants you to.”
Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential

Discouragement - loosing heart is easy to do, I know I've been there, but remember to have a little faith! How do you keep those anxious or negative thoughts from stealing peace and joy from YOUR life?